It’s getting close to the traditional “Days Of Gift Giving Panic” when we get quite a few requests for last minute overnight shipping. Well…we’re just not going to do it. Sorry!
While we are perfectly willing to FedEx or Priority Express your order, painful experience has shown us that a significant portion of those last minute orders, maybe around 25%, just ain’t gonna get there before Christmas, despite anybody’s overnight guarantee.
The painful part is when I get a bunch of calls and emails from irate people telling me that little Johnny’s Christmas has been RUINED and it’s all my fault. It’s quite unpleasant. Christmas this year is on a Saturday, so you may be thinking that it just might be possible to order something on Thursday and actually get it by Friday and have it in time for Christmas and be off the hook.
It’s not like I don’t get it. I’m a last-possible-minute shopper myself. But at some point, a guy’s just got to admit he’s procrastinated past the deadline and there’s no way around having to actually leave the house and go to the mall or something.
We’d like to help you out of your jam…we’re just not going to. We’re going to be way too busy ourselves frantically shopping online for anything we can get delivered overnight. Hey, maybe some of those dog pajamas! Do those people deliver overnight?
Awesome Straps…Bought a few for me and got some as Christmas Gifts for My Band Buds…..Beutiful Quality and Material and Quite Comfy!….You should make gig bags (of that same tough leather)…?….
Do you guys ship internationally? (to Europe)
We ship straps all over the world every day.
Just wanted to thank you guys for the awesome work you do in providing musicians with top quality accessories at affordable prices. Keep up the great work without you music would be B Flat.